Business Policy

As SARGIN Construction we ensure that all our activities are in accordance with the Integrated Management System at hand. Moreover our dynamic and versatile staff give customer satisfaction the utmost importance and in turn make sure that the services we provide are of the highest quality. Our aim is to become a pioneer in the Turkish Construction Sector as well as representing Turkey at the highest standards possible abroad.

In all current and future activities:

– By observing the various technological and innovative advancements related to our field we are able to further enhance our Technical and Administrative workforce by ensuring that the concerned personnel are up to par with our expectations,
– Periodically evaluating the set targets in regards to the various milestones the Company has envisioned to complete,
– To reduce and control risks related to environmental impacts and occupational health and safety,
– Environmental preservation,
-To prevent injuries and other health related problems,
– To fulfill and comply with the rules and regulations imposed onto us whilst undertaking local and foreign projects. These include contractual and legal requirements imposed onto us by the concerned parties,
– We are commited to constantly improving our occupational health and safety (ohs) systems.